Scrap metal is not waste or trash. Rather, it is a continuous resource – made from old automobiles, appliances, buildings, bridges, airplanes and more. Scrap metal may, in fact, be one of our most precious resources.
- [Unnamed Source]
My second ever sculpture - a full size metal arm created during my GCSE’s
“The way that we live, work, and consume has drastically changed in the last century. We have become a throwaway society, creating products designed to last less than a year, and abandoing devices once a newer model is released. This has had profound effects on the world that we inhabit. As we rely more and more on technology, we continue to pollute and diminish the habitat of almost all other species on the planet.”
For over a decade I have been creating sculptures out of disassembled electronics and salvaged materials. Creations initially began as a GCSE art project in 2013. I continued to refine my technique during my time at University where I studied Biomedical Sciences, and developed a signature style consistent across my pieces. In the summer of 2020 I was featured in PRECIOUS Magazine Issue 82, after placing 5th in the 2nd Biannual Exchange Selections Art Competition. The theme was Eco-Friendly, and I was able to share some of the concepts behind my work, featured below.
Sustainability has always been the central theme of my work, visually representing the “natural” being displaced by disruptive “unnatural” technologies. I also intend to showcase the incredible beauty of typically unseen electronic components, promoting reuse alongside upcycling, and hopefully discouraging these being viewed as disposable.
“An animal is not beautiful for the sake of it. Evolution has no concept of beauty, only purpose, yet a butterfly’s wings are beautiful nonetheless. Electronic components are designed to be functional not aesthetic, but despite this resistors and capacitators can be exquisite shades of green and blue, and undeniably beautiful.”
Follow me on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok to see more of my work and process